2003 Homburg/Main
80 x 220 cm, scooped at the paper mill with Johannes Follmer
2013 food
Watermarks in counterlight
The series light-watermarks was scooped with Natan Kaaren in his paper workshop in Kibbutz Sde Yoav in the Northern Negev in Israel - from movable embroidered watermark-sieves. Measurements after drying 132 x 108 cm. Natan’s mastery is based on the Japanese technique of hanging mould and frame from the ceiling with springs in order to catch the weight of 75 litres and support the balance during the shake. The Shake is the sideways movement to interlock the fibres while they are still suspended in the pulp. The watermarks only become visible after pressing and drying.
The cycle Lichtzeichen is exclusively represented by the Haus des Papiers. For enquiries see Contact.
"Barbara Beisinghoff gives shape to the beauty of light, captured with water and enclosed in plant fibres. Light here becomes the source of purest poetry."
Christian Scheffler, Offenbach
"It was grace which I and Christa felt immediately with Barbara Beisinghoff, when she came towards us with her works, dedicated to us, in the late autumn of 2009, when we were able to provide her with an exhibition in the limited space of our gallery ‘Forum Amalienpark' in Berlin Pankow. It was Christa Wolf’s ‘Kassandra’, which she quoted and perceived again: ‘we crossed the border beyond which language stops’, in order to contradict Christa Wolf’s sentence, ‘I have only not coloured words’, in her own way by making them visible in colour and relief prints. Scooped words, which she found for the clairvoyant and gave space to, which they had not had before: ‘I saw colours’. She had adapted the texts and translated language into colour for us." Gerhard Wolf, Berlin