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Tereisias, Barbara Beisinghoff
He longs for his image, Barbara Beisinghoff
Narcissus and the deer, Barbara Beisinghoff

Narcissus and Echo

"As Narcissus was driving deer into the trap, the nymph Echo followed him. That Echo repeated only the last of a string of words, that was Juno's work. Echo was still a body, not just a voice. When she saw the youth wandering through the bushy camps, she glowed like a pine spill in living sulphur. He flees. The despised one slips into the forest; she covers her blushing face with leaves and lives in lonely grottos ever since. As an echo she is heard by all.”

2005 Metamorphosis of
Ovid and Echo
Letterpress in German 
incised script in Latin 
Sixteen watermarks with insertions 
Homburg/Main with Johannes Follmer 
drawing and watercolour 
the images are in tabs and incisions 
and can be taken out of the book
so that they can be exhibited 
in alternating sequence
as a window picture
Swiss brochure,
hand-bound with window. 
The book is in a box by Dominic Fey
with a removable tray with handles 
made of goat parchment 
8 variations,
23 x 20 cm
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