“I notice that my feet are much more agile when walking than my head is when answering your pretty letters,” wrote Sophie of Hanover to her friend Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz on 23 June 1700, where her ink froze while writing letters in Herrenhausen Palace in winter. For Sophie, surveying her surroundings had to do with walking, ‘dans le jardin de Herrenhausen, qui est ma vie“.

From 15 to 18 January 2025, I have been invited to the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel to continue researching my new artist's book about Sophie of Hanover and Leibniz. Spaces of the self and ceremonial spaces are folded into the artist's book. Interstices of hole codes signify silence.

14 February to 2 March 2025 Exhibition Zeitzeichen Druckgraphik,14 positions at KUBATUR Kulturbahnhof Kassel daily 3-7 pm, 13 February 2025 at 7 pm Opening.
On Saturday, 22 February 2025 at 5 pm we invite you to a reading by Heiko Schimmelpfeng and Marcus Angebauer at Atelierhaus Beisinghoff, Warburger Weg 20, 34474 Diemelstadt Rhoden.

Until 30.03.25 Exhibition Printmaking No. 8,five positions in the Falkensee Museum and Gallery
In its permanent exhibition, the museum commemorates the famous poet Gertrud Kolmar (1894-1943), who lived in her parents' house in Falkensee-Finkenkrug from 1923 to January 1939. Her life was violently ended by the National Socialists. In addition to my prints and artist's books, one of my works on Gertrud Kolmar is currently on display in the special exhibition.
30.3.2025, 12 noon, TISCH Barbara Beisinghoff Arachne BLUES, House of Taswir, Berlin

The picture book “The Whispers of the Digital World” is due to be published at the end of March. It is a family project with a text by Niels Beisinghoff for his two daughters about the adventures of Ada and Lio in Datapolis and their resistance against the Collector of Shadows.

Through the catalogue ‘ANTHOLOGY, Ten Years of Turn the Page Artists’ Book fair‘ in Norwich, UK, published by Jules Allen & Jo Howe, ISBN 978-1-3999-9194-0, Robert Bolick became aware of my artists’ books and ordered ‘The Wild Swans’ and ‘Dew blue Dew blue’ for his collection BOOKS ON BOOKS.
4 to 6 April 2025 BuchDruckKunst,Fair for exquisite works on paper at the Museum der Arbeit, Hamburg - Heart blood and work black